Iain Campbell

philosophy, music, art

I'm Iain, and I'm a writer and researcher based in Glasgow, Scotland.

My writing covers topics across philosophy, music, sound studies, and art theory, and has been published in venues including parallax, Continental Philosophy Review, and Contemporary Music Review.

I completed my PhD at Kingston University’s Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy in 2016, with a thesis exploring experimental practices of music and philosophy in the work of John Cage and Gilles Deleuze. Before that I studied at the University of Dundee. 

My most recent academic position was as a Lecturer in Modern and Contemporary Art History at the University of Edinburgh. I've previously held roles at the University of Dundee, in particular working on the AHRC-funded project The Future of Indeterminacy: Datification, Memory, Bio-Politics, and the University of Brighton.

If you have any questions about my work, please get in touch at iain.campbell.om@gmail.com.